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What the PTA does for Kay's Creek Students, Families, & Staff

Do you know what events and activities are supported by the PTA and its volunteers?

Kay's Creek PTA is responsible for Reflections, Fall Festival, Field Day, Red Ribbon Week, and the Scholastic Book Fairs.  We are also there to help with Davis Book Battles, vision screenings, Walk to School, and the Bees (spelling and geography).  This year we are doing the musical, the Fall Festival, and a new reading program, READvenure for K-2 and Miss Ethel's Elite.  We are there to help with the D.A.R.E. program, emergency backpacks for every class, maturation, and a grant to  help with the cost of buses for field trips.  We provide dinners during ILP conferences for our amazing teachers. A week of pampering and fun for Teacher Appreciation week.  Rock the Halls, the KPDO school reading challenges, and the 4th Grade Bike Education Week are all brought to you by the PTA.   GRAND Lunch, Literacy Week, Principal Andrews' Book Club, and Family Reading Night, may not happen without the PTA.
If you volunteer you help support all these programs and more.   Your donations make these events and activities possible!  Please email us and let us know you support these programs and the PTA.

What We Do & When: Events

Back to School Night

August 20 6:00-7:30

Families are invited to come meet their new teachers and check out their classrooms.  You can also sign up to be a PTA member and to volunteer. Don't miss this opportunity to get to know our new principal, Principal Andrews.  Kindergarten classes will  have a Back to School morning on the 1st day of school.  Please have at least one parent attend and sign up for assessments.  The AM class 8:50 to 9:50. PM class 11:25-12:25

Fall Festival & 5K Fun Run Fundraiser

September 24 
Kids' K starts at 5:00
Fall Festival begins at 5:30
5K starts at 6:00

This year's PTA fundraiser has fun for all. It is our fundraiser for the year.

Sign up for the 5K or Kids' K race at Runnercard.   Bring your whole family for games and activities. Grab something to eat like pizza for a $1 a slice, sodas, water, and treats. Check out the school clubs and what is planned for this year.  You can learn more about our reading programs. You can even join the PTA,  sign up to volunteer, and support the PTA. Your donations and purchases help our PTA provide buses for field trips, Rock the Halls,  Spelling Bee, Field Day, the musical, and so much more.  If you are unable to attend the Fall Festival, but would like to make a donation to support Kay's Creek PTA and the programs we sponsor you may Venmo your donation to KaysCreekPTA or email us for more information.  Thank you.

“Heroes Around Me”
2018-19 PTA Reflections Contest

October 22, is the deadline to turn in entries.

Hey Parents and Kids!

Grab your cape and goggles and be on the lookout for the "heroes around you!!" How can you creatively portray the hero or heroes around you in a drawing, painting, sketch, 3D art, picture you take, music composition, dance, film composition, poem, play, short story, or other piece of literature!?

This is a fabulous summer creative art project to do with your kids!!

All participants will be awarded (prizes & treats)!

Entry forms will be available after school starts, but please be working on your projects now! Remember, you can submit one entry per category!

2 Important Notes:

1) DO NOT use fictional trademark heroes like Batman, Superman, Spider Man etc.

2) We need more people on the Reflections Committee! Reply if you can help!

We are convinced Kay's Creek has the most creative kids! We're looking forward to seeing your heroic entries!

For questions contact-

Rock the Halls

October through May

This year's theme is Hats off to Reading.  We have several hats available for readers to wear. However, we know some may have concerns about sharing hats, those will be able to bring a hat from home.  Maybe a special hat they have from a vacation, their grandpa, or even made themselves.  Hats are only to be worn while they rock the halls.


Grades 3-6 enter their  minutes on the recording pages on Mrs. Johnson's page. They are listed by class.  Readers can enter them at home from a desktop pc, at school, or at library time.  Students can also write down minutes and bring them into the library or email totals to  Minutes must be entered or sent by 8pm the Sunday prior to Rock the Halls Friday.

Kindergarten class will Rock the Halls March 29. Times to be announced.

Grades 1& 2 are chosen by their teachers.

Minute totals will be sent to parents for approval.  We are promoting reading not cheating.

Families of the top readers will receive an email invitation. Please do not arrive earlier than 1:10 as they are still cleaning up after lunch. If you happen to arrive early please wait in the entryway.  

Davis Book Battles

October - April

This reading program is for grades 3-6.  We meet the first Friday of the month at 1:30 in the library. Meetings are not mandatory, but we would like readers to attend as many as they can. 
We ask that readers commit to reading at least 5 books from a list of 20, by April.    You can even start now! 
Readers will be put in teams, choose a team name, make friends, have mock battles, the final battles in April, read some great books, and have a great time.
If a reader chooses to read all 20 they will get a special pin and make The Wall of Fame.  They can get a signup sheet in the library or online.    These books will count toward our KPDO reading challenge of 10,000 books!.Parents are welcome to attend meetings. We can alway us your help.

READventure 1 &2 Grade, FS & Kindergarten

October- May

READventure for is our new reading challenge for 1 & 2 grade, kindergarten and our Functional Skills class.  Each reader will be given a book challenge list as well as a book log. The list has 10 books on it for FS and kindergarten classes. There are 20 books on the 1 & 2 grade list. Each student will receive a lanyard with a name card to collect pins. 

When a reader has finished a book from the list they can write the title down and turn it in to Mrs. Johnson, or have a parent email their name, their teacher and the title of the book to  Once they turn in the name of the book, they will have a punch on their punch card (which is in the library),and get their pin.  If a student reads all 10/20 books they get a special pin and a small treat.

 (Their punch card then is placed on the KPDO reading club board in the library.  The books they read for the READventure challenge will also count toward the school goal of 10,000 books for the KPDO challenge.)  All types of reading count!


October 3 11:25- 12:50

Students may invite someone grand to come eat lunch with them. Only students will be able to purchase school lunch.  You are welcome, however, to bring lunch for yourself and your student.  Grandparents, grand uncle, grand cousin, grand friend, or anyone they would like to share their lunch time.  Please check in when you arrive.  Your student will be given a Fast Pass that you will present with your ID.  You can wait in the gym while we get your student.  Those without the Fast Pass will need their ID and to check in at the office. This will take a bit more time.  Please bring a lunch with you. You may also bring lunch for your student. You may eat outside, in the cogs, or in the lunchroom.  There will be opportunities to make Kay's Creek your choice school on Amazon Smile, Smith's Fresh Rewards, and Elefundo.

Book Fair

October 1, 2, & 3

 The Scholastic Book Fair is a great opportunity to find your next favorite book.  Maybe it is a Davis Battle Book or one for READventure. Regardless, every book read counts toward our school goal of 10,00!  The book fair will be open during GRAND Lunch event.  

Walk to School Wednesday

October 10

Let's get out there and walk to school.This coming Wednesday, October 10th, is Walk to School Day. It's a great opportunity to get outside and enjoy this beautiful Fall weather before the snow starts to fly. Scooters and bikes are welcome as well. If you live too far to walk the whole way, you can even drive part way and walk the last stretch. Meet up locations are shown on the map below, and a small healthy snack will be provided when you make it to the school. Please join us for this fun event!

Lunch with the Principal Sign Up
Lunch with the Principal 
*This is not a PTA sponsored event

October 15-26 RSVP
Thursday, November 1 12:00 in the library.  Please check in at the office and bring your photo ID or a snap shot of it on your phone.

Please RSVP by email to  This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know Principal Andrews, hear her vision for Kay's Creek, and ask questions.  A light lunch will be served.

Red Ribbon Week

October 22-26

Monday 22: Team up against drugs.  Wear your favorite sport shirt or jersey.

Tuesday 23: Dare to be a hero...say no to drugs.  Wear a superhero t-shirt. (no costumes).

Wednesday 24: Sock it to drugs. ( Wear crazy socks).

Thursday 25: Rally for RED. ( Wear red from head to toe.)

Friday: Our school chooses to be drug free. (Wear our school shirt or school colors).

Principal Andrews' Book Club

October- April

10 students from 1st grade to 6th grade will be chosen to join Principle Andrews' Book Club.  They will meet with Principal Andrews to find out which book they will be reading.  At the end of the month the students will join Principal Andrews during lunchtime to discuss the book.

Halloween Parade*
*this event is not sponsored by the PTA, but listed as a reminder

October 31 at 9:15

The Halloween Parade is something we look forward to every year.  Our students and teachers dress up in amazing costumes.  (No masks, please.)  Families are invited to come watch as they haunt the halls of Kay's Creek.  As this even takes place during school hours families will need a ticket and photo ID to be admitted to the school.

ILP Conferences

November 7 & 8

ILP conferences where families and students are able to meet with teachers.  You will receive notification from the school reminding families when they are able go sign up fr a time to speak with their students' teachers.  The PTA provides dinner one evening for our dedicated teachers.  If you would like to know how you could help with dinner please let us know.

GeoBee  Geography Bee

Classes end of November
Finalists December 5

Classrooms will have their competitions the last of November to determine who will go onto the finals.  Finalists will compete on Wednesday, December 5.  Families of finalists will receive an invitation and Fast Passes to attend the finals.

Willy Wonka jr.

Auditions will be held in December
Rehearsals begin 2nd week in January
Musical held 3rd week in February

If you are interested in either in helping out with the musical this year please let Maradon Nettleship know.

Spelling Bee

January TBA

Look for the practice list to be posted in November or December. If you would like to help please let us know.

ILP Conferences

January 30 & 31

ILP conferences where families and students are able to meet with teachers.  You will receive notification from the school reminding families when they are able go sign up fr a time to speak with their students' teachers.  The PTA provides dinner one evening for our dedicated teachers.  If you would like to know how you could help with dinner please let us know.

Book Fair

January 28-31

Stop by the Book Fair when you come to your ILP meeting. There is still plenty of time to help us reach our goal of 10,000 books.

Literacy & Art  Week
Dress up as your favorite book character Friday

Feburary 25-March 1

We will be celebrating Dr. Seuss all week long.  Inspired by Dr. Seuss students can add a bit of flair to their daily attire.  On Friday students can dress up as their favorite book character.  Each class will choose the best and they will Rock the Halls

Dr. Seuss' Birthday Party
A night of literacy, art, and fun.

Feburary 27

A family night at the school.  We are changing it up a bit.  Bring a blanket, your whole family, wear something comfortable, and enjoy the night.  Books will be read to everyone by our wonderful librarian, Mrs. Johnson, Principal Andrews and hopefully, a special guest. 
Decorations will be your students' art work and  possibly some writings. Most importantly, there will be cake!  Bring your whole family!

White Ribbon Week

March 11-15

White Ribbon Week is a positive school program presented by volunteers or teachers that helps kids make healthy choices in media and technology. Every day, kids learn a new principle of online behavior—reinforced through discussions and fun activities.

I’ve Got the Power helps kids take charge of what they view and share. Each morning, students receive a “power boost.” — a positive principle of online behavior. It  becomes the “password” to participate in fun activities. Students design a super-hero with real-life superpowers and the week culminates with a martial arts workshop reinforcing the superpowers of hard work and self-control.

Mademoiselles and Muffins

March 13, 8 am

Kay's Creek students!  Grad your favorite lady and come to the school on March 13 at 8:00 am!  We will have a short, but important discussion about White Ribbon Week.  Then we will enjoy Dr. Seuss' book, Are You my Mother?, with the vocal styling of Mr. James and Mrs. Adams.  If you would like to volunteer to help with mini muffins, milk or juice please sign up here.

Showdown Davis Book Battles

Grade battles: April 4 8-12
DBB Showdown Assembly Monday April 15

This is it!  Our top 2 teams from each grade will do battle to determine who will represent Kay's Creek Elementary at Davis Book Battles!  We will also be announcing our book totals from the KPDO 10,000 book challenge.

Kindergarten Rock the Halls

March 29  Times to be announced

This is the day that we cheer on all the amazing kindergarten readers.  Families will receive an email reminder.  Our theme this year is Hats off to Reading! Readers will be able to bring a hat from home or use one provided at the school.  Please bring your family and those who would like to cheer your reader on. Feel free to bring signs and cheers.  Your readers are amazing!  Thank you for supporting them.

4th Grade Bike Education Week

April 22-26

4th grade classes have the opportunity to learn the rules of the road and bike safety during this week.

Teacher Appreciation Week

April 22-26

This is the week we celebrate our wonderful teachers at Kay's Creek

Bike to School Day

May 8

Grab your wheels!Get on your bike, scooter, or skateboard.  Off to school you go!

Makers Faire

May 3

What is Maker Faire?
We call it the Greatest Show (& Tell) on Earth. Maker Faire is part science fair, part county fair, and part something entirely new! As a celebration of the Maker Movement, it's a family-friendly showcase of invention, creativity, and resourcefulness. Faire gathers together tech enthusiasts, crafters, educators, tinkerers, hobbyists, engineers, science clubs, and artists. Makers come to show their creations and share their learnings.
Come see what your students have been doing all year!  Come and bring your creative self.  Family fun for everyone!

BOGO Book Fair

May with Makers Faire TBA

Come check out the BOGO Book Fair at the Makers Faire.  It is a great opportunity to stock up on summer reading, get a jump start on the Davis Book Battle books, and get the One Book One School summer must read!

Field Day

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

A day of fun and sun and water for all grades. 

We know it is still months away, but we are beginning the planning process for Field Day. It will take place on Wednesday, May 29th. Here is the breakdown of the day:

9:15am - 11:15am - AM Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade classes

1:00pm - 3:00pm - Functional Skills, PM Kindergarten, 4th, 5th, and 6th grade classes

We are hoping to have 13 rotation stations, each lasting approximately 9 minutes.

HERE IS WHERE WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!! If you are willing to walk around with your child's class OR volunteer to run one of the activities (they will already be ready to go for you), PLEASE  email or text Robin Wilson at 801-455-6194. You can volunteer for 1 hour, 2 hours, one session, both sessions, WHATEVER fits your schedule. We could use all the help we can get! This is always a wonderful activity that the kids look forward to every year!

We need your help!

If you would like to volunteer, please fill out this form.  If you would like to help with a certain event or work with a specific committee, please let us know.  We need many different types of volunteers.  We need some who can help at events, some who can help at the school, some who can make buttons when they are able to come to the school, and some who are able to help us from their homes.  We have opportunities where you can bring your littles while you help, put together raffle prizes, or be a coach for Davis Book Battles.    If you would like to volunteer but not sure what your schedule will look like in a month?  Fill out the form and let us know you would like an email from Sign Up Genius when there is a need.  It is amazing how volunteering for 1/2 hour can make a huge difference.  Thank you.

Thanks for submitting!

What We Do & When: Contact
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